What are EMFs? How do they affect you? Why are we not more informed about this issue?
In this post, we hope to answer these questions. Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. EMFs are typically grouped into one of two categories by their frequency:
Non-ionizing: low-level radiation which is generally perceived as harmless to humans but is harmful especially overtime.
Ionizing: high-level radiation which has the potential for cellular and DNA damage.
Currently, the narrative is Non-ionizing signals emitted do not do harm while that is a complete farce proven by science many times. Such findings are buried by the Government, cell companies, internet/telephone providers(ISP/TSP), lawyers, lawmakers, and more. The question most ask without an answer is,” Why bury or create evidence against, discredit facts about EMFs & dirty electricity?”. Money, surveillance, the advancement of technology are some of the most obvious answers, but we will continue that topic in another post. Below are non-ionizing radiation forms & examples.
Non-ionizing radiation forms are:
-Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)
-Radio Frequency (RF)
-Visual Light
A few source examples are listed below but are not limited to:
-Microwave ovens
-House energy smart meters
-Wireless (wifi) networks
-Cell Phones
-Bluetooth devices
-Power lines
We encourage you the reader to, look into this information without bias of the mass media and prior conceived thoughts due to the fact people have died and are still dying due to these issues that the world and its governments have turned a blind eye to. We placed a link of actual events that have occurred below and have been proven to be the cause of EMFs or RF exposure.
- Samuel Milham MD - Book "Dirty Electricity" - Doctors to reference - - Dr. Magda Havas, PhD. - https://bit.ly/EMFhistoricalrefrences
- More references - David(Dave) Stetzer - https://bit.ly/stetzerelectric
More sources - https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15368370601044192
- https://www.windheimemfsolutions.com/5g-awareness/
- https://youtu.be/-AeSoC6la9c
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RIskTMLV40